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So far supgv has created 13 blog entries.

Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis.

June 2024: U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has issued a landmark Surgeon General’s Advisory on Firearm Violence, declaring firearm violence in America to be a public health crisis. This advisory is the first publication from the Office of the Surgeon General dedicated to this issue, and it outlines the devastating and far-reaching consequences that

2024-06-26T07:04:37-04:00May 1st, 2024|National News, States United News|

From Our State Affiliates

WOMEN AGAINST GUN VIOLENCE California affiliate, Women Against Gun Violence, has closed their organization. We are grateful for their 30+ years of advocacy for gun safety legislation and community support in the golden state. For more info, please go to their website.   STOP HANDGUN VIOLENCE Massachusetts Governor Healey signed An Act Modernizing Firearms Laws

2024-12-11T09:54:57-05:00December 14th, 2023|From Our State Affiliates, States United News|

Washington, June 10 2022

Coalition of 32 state organizations supports responsible gun ownership, calls on voters and Senate to act. WASHINGTON, June 10, 2022 — To capture the groundswell of bipartisan support for responsible gun ownership, States United to Prevent Gun Violence (SUPGV) launched a public service campaign calling on voters to write to their Senators in support of

2024-02-13T17:03:08-05:00December 14th, 2023|Press Statements, States United News|

Summer Edition

GUNS TO GARDENS New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence hosted their 18th Guns To Gardens buyback! 156 guns were dismantled; 1/3 were semi-automatics and assault style rifles. Most of the participants surrendered their firearms for safety reasons. At GunSense NH first Guns to Gardens, 31 unwanted firearms were dismantled, including an AR-15. Ralph, a

2024-02-13T15:46:27-05:00July 11th, 2023|Newsletters, States United News|

Wear Orange Edition

JUNE IS GUN VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH! STATE AFFILIATE NEWSMICHIGAN: The Extreme Risk Protective Order was signed into law on May 22, 2023. MINNESOTA: Governor Walz signed several gun violence prevention measures into law. Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Universal Background Checks, and funding for Community Violence Intervention and Gun Violence Research were enacted on May 19, 2023. ILLINOIS: After

2024-02-13T15:46:27-05:00June 1st, 2023|States United News|


Guns to Gardens provides an opportunity for NH residents to remove unwanted firearms from circulation. More people understand that having a firearm in the home can be dangerous, especially with young children and teens in the house.New Hampshire state law prohibits law enforcement from destroying firearms which come into their possession and must either store

2024-02-13T15:46:28-05:00May 10th, 2023|States United News|

Assault Weapons Ban

The Congressional House passed the Assault Weapons Ban bill on the final day of session, July 29, 2022. Not surprisingly, the vote was largely partisan and Gun Violence Prevention advocates anticipate a stall in the Senate.

2024-02-13T15:46:29-05:00July 29th, 2022|National News, States United News|

Steve Dettlebach Confirmed

The Senate voted on Tuesday, July 12th to confirm Steve Dettelbach as President Biden’s nominee for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Dettlebach’s confirmation in the wake of high-profile mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde,  and Highland Park — is a victory for both the Gun Violence Prevention movement and the

2024-02-13T15:46:29-05:00July 12th, 2022|National News, States United News|

Safer Communities Law

The Safer Communities Act swiftly moved through the House and to the President’s desk on June 25, 2022 — less than 48 hours after the Senate voted to pass the first significant gun safety bill in decades. The new law includes: Funds crisis intervention, including red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands

2024-02-13T15:46:29-05:00June 25th, 2022|National News, States United News|
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