by Sonya Coleman


  • CO Ceasefire –  Three priority bills passed in the CO legislature: Secure Storage in vehicles; Dealer Requirements and Permits; and an Excise Tax on firearms and ammunition to voters.
  • Coalition for a Safer Delaware – Permit to Purchase became law on May 16.
  • Hawaii Coalition to Prevent GV – Raise the age to 21 years ammunition sales passed and awaits the Governor’s signature.
  • Marylanders to Prevent GV – Establishment of the Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention and ERPO data access bill were signed into law on May 16.
  • Protect Minnesota – Straw purchase bill passes and awaits the Governor’s signature.
  • Rhode Island Coalition Against GV – Safe storage passes the House and advances to the Senate.


  • Maine Gun Safety Coalition – ME legislature sends three bills – background checks, bump stock ban and 72-hour waiting period to Governor Mills desk.
  • Colorado Ceasefire – CO House passed a ban on semiautomatic firearms.
  • Gunsense NH – NH House passes NICS mental health reporting.
  • Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence – RI Senate passes secure storage.